Also if you could take some time afterwords to rate this guide that would be lovely. Hopefully soon I can get enough time to get all the bases covered. Things are still being worked on and I'm updating daily as of now, if you need any specific information or have any concerns feel free to post em. Instead this project crossed cultural boundaries to bring us a quite the rare treasure. Take some time to read the strangest but most beautiful letter about fapping I have ever seen o_o.Īgain, thank you to Remtairy and Happy Life for collaborating and bringing us something that would normally be impossible. While you're there, try to find the patreon link where Remtairy translated Happy life authors letter.
If you haven't already downloaded the uncensored patch, the link is in the updates section of your game. This recent surprise of Dlsite style RPGs showing up is really something and I would like to see it grow and de-stigmatize here in the west.
I want to open by saying that Remtairy's Passion has inspired me to show some my own passion. Protip: Use Control Find and look up įirst, Thank you for checking this out.